Who Is This Guy?

Introductions are an integral part of our lives. We all have to do it, sometimes several times a day or month. Today alone I’ve introduced myself to new people 3 times already which is a feat because I’m not nearly the social butterfly that I used to be.

Consider this introduction #4 of the day…

I’m Skrap, that’s not what my mother named me but very few people in my immediate circle bother with my real name anymore so go ahead and go with that. Like about 179,413 people that also frequent this isle called WordPress I’m an aspiring writer; an aspiring writer with a penchant for procrastination that is unmatched by anyone living or dead. A friend of mine that likes some of the stuff that I write told me that I needed to start a blog as an outlet for my thoughts. That, however is a tricky prospect seeing as though my mind is a crazy place. I’m kinda left of center, what I think is cool to talk about most people really don’t give two rat tails about, hell, I’m a Black man that loves hockey, that should give you an idea of my twisted little world. [Edit: I USED to love hockey until the league shafted my city and took away our team. Now I’m just a regular Black dude in that I ignore hockey]

But I’m good people. Before I give you any rambles or streams of consciousness or just flat out views on what I think about anything I’ll leave you with a few tidbits about me and if they don’t scare you away then feel free to put up your feet and hang out here from time to time. Here goes:

  • I absolutely love James Brown’s music which isn’t strange except for the fact that I was deathly afraid of James Brown from the age of 5 to 8. I still remember running and hiding whenever he was on the TV as a kid. Truth is I wasn’t fond of less than attractive dudes screaming at me to a funky bassline
  • The squirrels in my neighborhood have a longstanding feud with my family.
  • 50 pounds ago I was a hell of a soccer player; I mean I was REALLY good. I can still work my way around a soccer ball but all this sexy goodness in my midsection keeps me from moving as swiftly as I once did. Damned aging process
  • Ghetto women and disruptive movie patrons are my only pet peeves.
  • As evidenced by the title of this blog, I am the last Atlanta native left. Seems as though I was a teenager and everyone was from Atlanta, then I came home from college and it was New York South. I fully expect the Staten Island Ferry to make its way down Peachtree Street just to close the deal.

There you go, five facts about me. This space will be a safe haven for me as writing is my escape, much like it is for most people that are in love with words. So we’ll see what the days bring, some funnies, some introspect, some flat out strange goings-on and generally just a guy from Atlanta (Decatur to be exact) biding his time until he figures out where all the other Atlanta folks went and why they left me here alone to deal with all these northerners in my fair city.

Until the next time…


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  1. Someone posted your entry on their Facebook page. Based on their comments I was supposed to be offended. I am not. I have laughed so loud that my 6 year old thought I was crying. Please continue your brand of humor . It is what the doctor ordered. Damn a prozac. As a college graduate from Ga. southern 1997. And a master degree candidate. I say ha ha ha ha ha. This is funny.

    • Saudia…always happy to meet a fellow Eagle! (C/O 96 HAIL SOUTHERN!!!) Thank you for your compliments. Writing is what I do to keep myself sane so the crazier the topic the more I tend to smile and keep myself on an even keel. Glad you found the Facebook link, keep coming back and I’ll try to keep something halfway worthwhile to read. 🙂

  2. What an exceptional writer you are. I received your blog entry through a friend’s FB page. I can wait to see what you say next :).

  3. I feel the urge to start me a blog about the only Atlanta native that lives in Alabama! No matter how long I live here, I am from Decatur, Memorial Drive before Wal-mart was there when we had a mall…damn you are old. Yes Im that TammyD. from Avondale. Will check with you soon. Keep the posts coming.

    • Tammy! Awesome to hear from you! And I remember you being a solid wordsmith so definitely get after that blog as being in Alabama provides plenty of nuggets that the world should know about. 🙂 Thanks for stopping by!

    • Loved reading your blog and about anyone from the Decatur / Atlanta area natively. I grew up on covington hwy and remember Avondale mall as Columbia Mall.

      • I went to Avondale High School so I remember all the different incarnations of that mall including it’s present standing as a WalMart. LOL Thanks for stopping by.

      • Thats very cool. I went to Glen Haven elementary and ‘would’ havf went to Towers. My father went to Avondale and mother went to Southwest dekalb. Love the flames logo…i miss those days.

  4. Thanx for stoppin thru my spot droppin knowledge! Gonna add you to my google reader and definitely gonna be peepin you out your stuff!

  5. Okay, fear of James Brown is worse than my fear of those derned characters in those costumes at the amusement parks…Creeeepy. But, in my defense, one did fondle me as a preteen. Maybe I should’ve sought some couch time over that one.

    Unfortunately, I am one of the northerners that has invaded your fair city, but I’d like to think I add a little colorful scenery to the joint. 🙂

    Can’t wait to read more.

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