About This Blog

What is this blog? This is a blog about everything, and nothing, all at the same time. I don’t have the attention span necessary to write a compartmentalized blog about one thing. I usually just write things that come to mind as I live day to day here in the greatest city in the South, that may be sports, it may be family, or it could very well be my love for women in sundresses and sandals. I can’t give you subject matter assurances, I can only tell you that I’ll be here twice a week, Tuesday and Thursday – Tuesday and Friday if I’m being lazy, and if I’m not here at all you have my permission to call me a flat out slacker because life being interesting as it is here in the fine city of Atlanta, there’s no shortage of things for me to dish on.

I look forward to sharing with you and hearing from you here at my little place on the internet. I hope that you read, laugh, think, share, but most importantly enjoy what you find here. Thanks a bunch for stopping by!

Your brother in scribe,


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    • Rose, thank you so much and I appreciate you stopping by the page. Hope that you come back and also that you pardon the tumbleweeds since the last post, 2020 kinds took the writing out of me. I’ll be better. 🙂

  1. I just heard your story on The Moth, while doing chores in Los Angeles. I look forward to checking out your blog.
    Happy New Year!

  2. Thank you for sharing your story on the Moth. I moved home for a year or two to mind my Dad after my Mam passed away. As heartbreaking as that period was at times, it was also the period that I made some of my most cherished memories. In short your story resonated…looking forward to listening to/reading more

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